The company

Oslo Research AS (ORES)* is an independent social science research institute in Oslo, Norway. We provide research, analysis and policy advice. The institute is primarily funded by public research grants, including grants from the Government of Norway, the Nordic Council of Ministers and the EEA and Norway Grants.

The company was established in 2012 in order to participate in the 2012–2017 Polish–Norwegian Research Programme, and was successful in its first grant application that year (the EFFECT project). The institute is according to its bylaws a public interest social science research institute organized as a nonprofit joint-stock company (ideelt aksjeselskap). Surplus revenues are in accordance with the bylaws retained by the institute and reinvested in its research activities in their entirety. The institute is approved as a research organisation for the purposes of the EEA and Norway Grants funding scheme.

The company is incorporated in Norway under organization number 998 820 952 and industry code 72.200 Research and development work in social sciences and humanities. The director of the institute is Professor Margunn Bjørnholt.

*Formerly known as Policy and Social Research AS (PSR).

See also